Thursday, November 13, 2008

What have you discovered today? Nothing!

It hasn't been a very tiring week. But it hasn't been a very good week either.

I spent an hour today undecided between writing my thesis, calling the travel agents, fiddling with my camera, or continuing the hunt for cheap lodgings.

In the end, I chose to call the travel agent, and spent an hour undecided between 2 airlines, each with their pros and cons. There are just too many assumptions and imaginary money built into this internship, and I feel like giving it up altogether and return to my simple existence of writing, sleeping and watching discovery channel.

Multitasking is just not my kind of thing.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Low on fuel

Been an interesting week. But I'm rather tired now. Think I'll wake up early to complete the slides...

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

American Dream

Dear Mr. Wei Chung Lim,

I am pleased to inform you that the United Nations Secretariat hereby offers you a fulltime, unpaid internship from 12 January 2009 to 13 March 2009....

... On the first day of your assignment, please report to the Information Booth in the United Nations Visitors' Lobby at 46th Street and 1st Avenue at 10:00 AM. The Internship Programme Team will meet you there and introduce you to the organization.

A lot of things to settle between now and then. I'm not sure if everything will work out. But will try my best. Praise God :)

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Enlightened... but Seriously?

I like to dwell in (photocopied) books. They provide artificial brief respites from the fetters of my humdrum existence. But it's terrible when Saturday feels like a Monday, and Monday comes after Sunday. And Sunday is not exactly Sabbath. Time to go to the library...