Monday, September 04, 2006

Week 4 ahead

Has been a pretty drifty week 3. I vaguely remembered I played xbox with moses and gang on thursday, and went to kinokuniya on friday to hunt for Machiavelli's "Art of War", and Clausewitz's "On War". Almost wanted to buy Sun Tzi's "Art of War" as well, but I think too much war theory will make me go crazy. Saturday was fun as I attended my NS friend's indian wedding. It was my first time going for an indian wedding and I thought it was cool to throw yellow rice at the newly wed couple (almost out of frustration because of the super long ceremony). Had a good time catching up with the guys, and I didn't even know that my "team foxtrot" junior is a year 2 soci major in usp and nus! He says that I always look clueless in nus. Core team meeting today was great, and I think it will be exciting months ahead under p. josh. Occasionally, I wonder how my role fits in with my ambiguous post-grad plans :S. Watched Tony Takitani later at night. How should I describe it in a sentence??? I think it reflects the life of a "herbert marcuse" type of one-dimensional man in a post-industrial jap society. Watch it if you are feeling lonely.... you'll feel worse! I still think it is a depressive show, though my friend will disagree.

Time for week 4 now. Shall try to clear 2000 words off my ISM. Writing essays can be pretty therapeutic =)


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