Sunday, August 27, 2006


It was quite heartening to see the boys from three different cell groups playing soccer together; p. ian and p. joshua and the older guys from the church football team also joined in. Although we did not quite achieve the task of reaching out to the dover community (the malay guys did not turn up), it was probably the first time I see the boys playing a game of football together, notwithstanding the fact that my angsty cell boys literally smashed the goalposts - which was made of pvc toilet pipes and connectors - a few times. Their cell leader (me) also bulldozed poor little joel onto the ground. I feel a bit bad because I sprained his finger the first time he came to our cluster, and today he was just commenting that it has been a while since he saw me - before I bulldozed him while trying to dribble and side step him.

It has always been a bit of a headache for me to get the different cell groups to talk to one another. And although I am aware of the little factions that have sprung up here and there, I am a bit powerless to resolve these little groups together. Managing them is a bit like being Kofi Annan in the Middle East royal rumble - you have to handle the sunnis and shi'ites and kurds with a careful and artful blend of diplomacy and conflict resolutions.

Really thank God for Ian and Boon to pull the soccer thing together while I was hiding in Europe. Will spend the next few weeks to do a few more rounds of diplomatic visits to the little factions; starting this thursday with a sit down dinner with Moses and gang in cineleisure. I think my final bastion is to try to connect with the girls in Lisa's and Yue-yi's cell. I still feel totally intimidated trying to talk to them. Seriously speaking, what possible topics can a 24 year old guy have at his disposal to talk to intelligent and well-read 14 year old girls? Women's suffrage? Harry Potter? Carebears? Gah... I don't know!

But thank God for His guidance in the cluster -)


At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great start Jimmy! :) Happy for you and the cluster... How did cineleisure go?

At 1:06 AM, Blogger astral said...

Ha.. Boon and I met up with moses, aaron, jared and erwine. Had jap dinner for an hour, xbox for another hour, and then serious business for 45 minutes.. heh.

ailing... how do you manage 30 odd kids in a cluster for more than 5 years??????? *scratch head*


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