Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The walking biological bomb

I trodded into daniel's temporary office at the soci department with a splitting headache, a runny nose and a very bad cough. To the best of my memories, I think I have never fallen sick during a school semester. So it was a pretty alienating feeling to walk around campus feeling really crap for the past two days. I think it started yesterday morning when I pretty much exhausted myself with an ism meeting with prof singh in the morning, a 3 hr lecture on asia security in the afternoon, and another 3 hr lecture on international conflict at night. I think pema's comment summed up how crapped I looked: "You look like you live in the library!"

Part of the effects of having a fever is that I become more grouchy. For instance, I think there are too many students in school, too many freshmen walking around, and hogging the computers at the library, and too much noise for one to have any quiet solitude to do his readings! So it was quite a haven to hide inside dan's office today. Not that I did any productive work in his office. I basically collapsed on the super nice couch and slept. But I think it is cool to have friends who are colonizers of their prof's office, since it means that cronies like me can access to internet in school (without queueing up in the central library), have unlimited lazer printing, and basically have a place to sleep without being gazed by others. I think it beats the writing centre as a chill-out room (Sorry clem).

Just to do my fair bit of publicity for clem, I think his new online newspaper website is really cool http://campusobserver.org , although I was expecting more controversial news! Seems that both my academic buds are doing really great in school; dan doing his masters, and clem starting a newspaper site from scratch. I think I need to do something great if the tan-tham-lim alliance is to be strong... ha ha.

I think the worse of my virus attack is over. Shall sleep a few more hours before I continue (or should I say start?) on my stillborn ISM proposal.


At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo jim

your pictures are here:


At 7:44 PM, Blogger astral said...

hey sw, can remove the photos or not? we need to show more brotherly love to one another...

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh paiseh,

i put it up for you to download. Ok i take down.



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