Christmas is coming

FINALLY uploaded the euro photos onto my mac. Was quite nostaligic to look back through some of the photos though I realized I did not take photos in quite a few places. Strangely, places that I did not take photos are memories that are remembered most vividly when I close my eyes. I like this huge poster in front of my table. Bought it in essen, a place that I took zero photos; maybe the place is just a bit too industrial? The subject in the picture is slanted off-center, to trigger some form of visual aesthetics perhaps. What is she looking at? I have no idea.
Christmas is coming, and I'm quite glad that I have time to rest. A time to catch up with friends. Sometimes, I don't really quite like the word 'catch up'. There are friends who deserve more than just 'catching up'. But maybe for a lack of better phrase, 'catching up' is perhaps the easiest and most politically correct phrase to ask a friend out, a friend whom you genuinely care for, 'genuine' meaning s/he is in your prayers no matter how strange or difficult situations are at times. Hmmm... I think I have a tendency to mess up friendships sometimes. It is quite a weakness, partly because I'm just quite a dumbo in terms of expressing myself. Oh well, I think I have avoided people long enough during the semester, cos I was honestly a bit burnt out and jaded even before the semester began, and things sorta got worse after IMF, and worser when there was a transition in church leadership and there were slightly more responsibilities towards the end.
I hope I'll be able to take time out in dec to write a few christmas cards to people and just say a word of 'thank you' for their prayer support and friendship even though I have been quite a hermit for the whole year.
"The Animals Were Gone"
Woke up and for the first time the animals were gone
It's left this house empty now, not sure if I belong
Yesterday you asked me to write you a pleasant song
I'll do my best now, but you've been gone for so long
The window's open now and the winter settles in
We'll call it Christmas when the adverts begin
I love your depression and I love your double chin
I love 'most everything that you bring to this offering
Damien Rice
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