Thursday, August 03, 2006

run jimmy run!!!!!!!!

I like to run, in a metaphorical sort of way,
especially during summer holidays.

I am not so sure why,
maybe it is an act of self preservation,
to prevent myself from falling into June 2004.

It might be Divinity, it might be the Mind,
but the running took me to quite a couple of places in the past 2 years.

Why the running?
Maybe when you run, images stream past in a flash,
and momentarily, you lose sense of what is really happening.

You are only focusing on the next step, the next route, and the next destination.
You don't really care about the pace of the walking man.

And then once in a while, you stop running.
The acid builds up in the cells, and you feel incredibly painful.
Life dips, and you pray for the Divine.

And then you run again - even harder - in the mind.
Looking back, I think I've already achieved what I set out to do since the beginning of the year.
It is funny how things come full circle in your face at times.
So maybe I ran a bit too hard this year,
and there is still 5 more months to go.

Lady Hope is going home,
So maybe I need to run again - even harder - in the mind.
I find it hard to slow down now.
Leave all aside,
the race has ended, but just begun.


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