Consider the Lilies (Matt 6)
It is quite hard for me to conceptualize a world without a bigger Being - a supernatural plane above the human plane. In terms of ethics, nature, beauty and sometimes silence, why would this world be the way it is? Couldn't it have been nothing at all? I suppose in Christian sense, faith is about envisioning the future, an objective future that History will come to an end one day, and yet an end that brings a new beginning in Creation. In the vast expanse of this tense-less time, the present become ever more meaningful, because we are doing something progressively good, even in the bad times. Faith - while an abstract and unquantifiable enigma - makes reasonable sense, if you give it some thought. And faith brings mystery, which makes life interesting; it makes life literally less predictable, which is not always a bad thing. It is good to have faith - in God, in friends, in time, in waiting, in prayer, and in life in general.
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