Monday, November 19, 2007

Good Company on a Rainy Monday

Met the bridge gang today for dinner. We were supposed to go holland for dinner and then play bridge but di couldn't make it at the last moment, so the 3 of us - dan, jac and me - decide to just eat at city hall. Was good catching up, jac says that Ram is getting married! Maybe he'll send invitation cards to some of the VK people. He made super good pratas while we were in Cambodia. I remember our group made 'Singapore' pineapple fried rice back then, I still got the horrid kitchen photos.. ha.

Had lunch earlier with sar, another dear VK friend. She got me a cool flipbook + notebook/pencil case from Japan! :) So I finally have a pencil case after many years. There have been too many scraps of papers flying around my table (and inside my brain too) these days; they are full of multi-colored mind-maps and notes of random ideas, thoughts and theories for my coming thesis and other random academic interests. I think the muji notebook will come in really handy, gets me organized, and helps me find my pens and highlighters when I need to jot down ideas in the train or bus.

Shall go read my steppenwolf book now. Last 80 pages. Hopefully I'll wake up in time for some invigilation briefing in school at 8..

Diana Wu with her super poser coke shot in Cambodia!


At 9:29 AM, Blogger Di said...

I'm here to charge fees for using that photo heh. :p wished i was there at dinner also!

At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah! ok lah... i buy you jumbo ice milo for infringing copyright law...

hmmm.... is it copyright law?

hope you are feeling better today! :)


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