Killer smile

Do ethics ever exist in international relations? I've been thinking whether I should pursue this as a Masters research next year. It is crazy that the research proposal for Masters is due on 15 Nov, which coincides with my Theory of IR essay, as well as my extended ISM deadline. At the same time, I am doing a complete overhaul for my honors thesis, to turn it from ASEAN regionalism to EU-China relations. My good friend has convinced me that ASEAN is hopeless. But apparently I need to submit another synopsis for re-approval. Gah...
Back to ethics and IR...hmmm...I dunno... sometimes I don't even think ethics exist in human relations; maybe it is more transactional than ethical. But I think ethics is a good blah blah topic for a masters reseach, I can be the next political Deepak Chopra. " peace......"
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