Saturday, August 04, 2007


Went to catch a pay-as-you-wish iranian film, "The Willow Tree" by Majid Majidi, with daniel and his friend at national museum today. Pretty existentialist stuff as it is about a blind man's experience of regaining his sight and losing it again towards the end. Think of words like 'being', 'becoming' and 'awakening' and you get a sense of the film's narrative as the protagonist wrestles with his God for more compassion, as well as overcoming his inability to cope with the new freedom in experiencing colors.

I was pretty attracted to this whole existentialist philosophy when I was first starting out in social science. It kind of got a bit too airy fairy for me along the way. Then, Soren Kierkegaard was quite a philo hero for me, though I could never really comprehend his either/or book, or why he has to get rid of his wife to proof his love for her. Kind of got a renewed interest in existentialism after visiting different art museums in europe, as I think that such meta-theories seem to make more sense in the realm of art. Think of the works of magritte, dali and dadaists and maybe those are what I feel, are ways, where we can, in the words of kierkegaard, start to explore the pardoxical attempt of 'discovering things that thought cannot think'. I don't know, I kind of believe in that philosophy as a way to approach life... sometimes.

Anyway, the above photo has nothing to do with existentialism. I was just kind of fascinated by the crack lines in the wall. Wondering where in Singapore can I find such authentic walls???


At 3:29 AM, Blogger kLeM said...

Authentic is officially today's most overused word...tsk tsk

At 10:38 PM, Blogger astral said...

truely hegemonic word.. heh


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