Thanks to chris' blog, I've decided to wiki my old secondary school, and discovered new things that really tickled me!
Here are some of them:
1) "Catholic High School also has a very effective TAF club. In 2006, about 80% of the TAF club members had lost enough weight to be out of TAF club. This was due to the gruelling training sessions, during which TAF club members had to run consistently on the track, walking being prohibited. Also, TAF members also had strictly enforced diets during the school recess breaks".
Jimmy's footnotes: Must be a really tough club to make an entrance in wiki eh? Thank God for blessing me with good BMI back then (somewhat weak and skinny now...).
2) "The students first gather in class to relax and prepare their books while popular chart songs are played over the loudspeakers, supposedly in an attempt to perk the students up...".
Jimmy's footnotes:Its true... and I ...ermm....was even a DJ once for that stupid cathigh station, got Mavis Hee's autograph on my bio textbook in the process. Teacher sacked me after saying my voice was too bass. Darn...
3) (After morning assembly) "a student comes up to give the 'Morning Devotion'. This is an inspirational speech aimed at educating the students to improve their lives".
Jimmy's footnotes: Oh yesh yesh... how we all need God in our lives. Twice in my 4 years, someone called the police saying there is a bomb in the school. Police and dogs came in, and exams get postponed. Principle will make a speech following day over morning assembly to tell us to improve our lives.
4) "Periodic hair checks are carried out to ensure that the student's hair is neat and tidy by the discipline teachers. Those who fail the hair check are severely punished - also by the discipline teachers".
Jimmy's footnotes: There was once a student who wears a wig to conceal his long hair. Small Bobby (our discipline master back then) was smart enough to discover the wig though.
5) "The school has put extremely intense emphasis on the People's Republic of China, saying that China is expanding and modernizing and with time to come, will emerge as a world superpower....the school is organising a trip to China's 东北 province, for the Sec 2 students to gain a better insight into China's situation and econnomy. However, only a minor fraction of the secondary 2 students decide to go. The school had to hence dismiss the project"
Jimmy's footnotes: I totally cracked after reading that part! Didn't know my school had leftist inclinations...
6) "In 2004, the Edward Becheras choir won the top prize (Laureate of the Festival) in the 14th International Festival of Advent and Christmas Music with Petr Eben Award in Prague, which led to an invitation to perform in Guangzhou, China the following year".
Jimmy's footnotes: My choir teacher, whom I call him Panda Leong, always thought that I (I was vice-pres) and willie (he was pres) help resurrected our highly unmotivated school choir back in the late 1990s. Maybe that explains the international award years later..ha. *Pat on my own back*.
7) "Catholic High School is the only remaining secondary school in Singapore that make students from Primary 1 to Secondary 4 wear shorts as a preservation of the culture in previously Chinese-medium schools"
Jimmy's footnotes: Cultural preservation my &*#%! More like dignity undue!
For more information, click.
haha... i like the TAF club bit...This is really nostalgic; it's been more than 10 years!
we are old school...
Hope your dissertation is progressing well. I read your proposal and it is amazing how you combine Robert Louis Stevenson with John Calvin. "You've been Predestined to Treasure Island! Do not pass go, do not collect 200!!"
when are you coming back? your room is turning into my extended storeroom of notes and books...
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