Saturday, April 02, 2005

Welcome to pseudo philosophy

Once in a while, we tend to deviate from social norms to pursue a life of aesthetics that is less travelled. It could be in response to a sudden enlightenment, or maybe just the need to differenciate oneself from the rest.

Strictly speaking, I have no idea how this new blog will evolve. To begin with, I think the template is disgusting. I'll probably do something about it after my exams.

But I know that space time is of no concern when everything in cyber space is a deconstruction of thy self. Thus, I will take my time, to implement an overarching theme in this blog.

Maybe it will center around issues that are fundamental to my humanity - religion, philosophy, political science, arts. For the last one, it is quite bull shit to say that I am an arty fart. Fact of the matter is, I'm not. I'm still a very science person in the way I think. In the veins of Descartes, I am a rationalist.

Still, I hope this blog will evolve to deal with issues of deviance, counter cultures, antithesis, and synthesis. And maybe the reader will get a better sense of the person that I am, the struggles that I do have, and the dreams that I usually subsume within all thoughts and practicalities.

Not making sense? It's ok.

I usually don't.


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